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FHRA - Hypnotist Jennifer - Girlfriend Addiction

1:33:44 2 weeks ago
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Tags: femdom hypno fhra Jennifer cam girl free cam beautiful body red lips tied up My Free Cam live cam on cam at work true private who is she girl cam cam to cam private cam cam live live x cam cat ears first time chicken wings tan bed beautiful ass first ever Long Time Private Time First Try bra less girl on girl Jennifer Ann no bra on the floor break in make out making out face to cam really hard Body Kissing Slow Motion Love Addiction two in one cam free beautiful eyes no face Real Live je sweet je sweet sweet Girl Girl Girl Girl Girl No Face Girl Face Cam Gag Talk self love college girl under the table college girlfriend beautiful girl love making red room kiss me most beautiful girl he wants me body suit true love she takes control Miss Jenni P Miss Jenni P cam Miss Jenni P free Miss Jenni P private make up red ass Je sweet cam Je sweet free Je sweet private emo girl slave girl ex girlfriend did not pull out man deep voice too deep deep voice college dorm Kiss Cat T Girl Self Pleasure Eye Rolling Work Out Making Love try on ass to ass Bed Room sweet ass Make Me Bi hard body ass body sweet ary miss kl Miss A Star Love slow mo Real mom Evil Woman Eve Sweet The Real Mani A Thing For Red first girl miss p must see ig ass open ass friend's mom Slo Mo Try cam Very cam do it yourself low res cat woman Her Sweet Eve Owl leave your hat on cat girl Hard X in bed making of rio lee all girl in town The Motion wash body tow bar mind break The Body Beautiful My TS Girlfriend Your girlfriend Miss G Love Live bra try on Can girl free use privat cam elf girl e girl YOUR POCKET GIRLFRIEND YOUR DREAM GIRL elf ears BR Girl the pose Beautiful woman see though Mind Control sweet face tall woman tall girl face sit Dorm Room OF Live Ady Sweet Mind Melt must watch wake up Get Deep in my Ass my body girl hard rolling eyes face reveal girl time sweet girl library girl work cam eat ass eat her in ass ass cam ta deep beautiful hard girl body college ass library cam self cam girl pleasure look like hard ass 1 girl one girl live me in the pose real ass 10 some my ex pull up in college FOR LIFE King J An Li Dom Lee Lea Lea totally not girlfriend hard beautiful lips emo chick deep long Sweetie Pie Fun Girl but ass ass out girl man no idea she is ts girl IG Live in love mom cam ass slave use me dream girl my ass man ass one two man woman Ass SP your face your ass Under Control watch me for you call girl 1 woman real life real hard too much One on one Sweet lea lea in time in room His Slave girlfriend ass slow ass red face red girl The Dream you mom Ass woman cam ass two face Bif Ass most beautiful long face deep hard N word in control real cam ever seen find that back room under the bed nex room after bar my love girl fun my bed em and bea beautiful face college fun on bed First ti e take load hard time real college real girlfriend takes load very beautiful is Total friend mom self made the body Whatever you want As be ass Get that Ass ass face mom friend tall girlfriend Been Gain sweet body fre use very hard real man need girl in deep no ass beautiful 1 under table da ass before bed after work girl ass love her de vil her pleasure Lea Ione self rec fall out how long ready to mind wash body control by This tan girl on her face ex girl trying on extreme girl sit on my face know your Mea Lee ass time ass love girl next No Talking Private Room eat me family room cl of first girlfriend but im woman work No Face Mom sci fi red bra face time mom bod eyes rolling obedient slave long lips back ass how much p word deep ass all ass Before First Day Hard on After Hard Work Day girlfriend cam long ass eye roll true pro long hard Man to Woman red bed college room In Your Face college chick from face load on me At The End jenni m pull out girl to girl beautiful mom he she face in ass Call Me Slo Bon Bon turn up extreme ap eyes control ts ass That Get rick rolling Trigger Words Trigger Word brain wash addiction permanent ass control ass hypno brainwash brain wash long leg Ts Eve bra try voice over L. Girl voice eat it it deep in the as Sweet talk R O R " your mom ass kiss pert ass she can take it but when he does Deep in her ass Ho Ho Ho wouldn't pull out ass to face t load while the in a tan body repeat after me from the back leg press more ass very tall ‘ ‘ r word under ass before after ass kissing wants it evil mom mean girl ass Slo Mo ass in ass kiss my ass sleep over of us en a AP extreme Ass in face Miss ling ling extreme family 1 on 1 OPEN ME ap mom u word beautiful ts Trying Bra m b ap 1 mom body hate to like AI Girl AP Word i have more of these Jenni Lee thin girl scat talk real girl like a i love you T M C Mean Girlfriend g slow motion mom dom no escape can you Make m bi no free will liz raw S olo Try on Bra cat suit man ts girl real lov e m a e in be next room face n ass men slave long cam cat ass Ass On Face cam beautiful No Make up eat her Out eat from the back p mom tied to bed A E sit on face non bra Ass Addict kiss ass LEAVE HER dee dee lookin ass I want it yo yo gives you JO B E LA girl Beautiful Tall Woman long longs slow pull out Red Eyes p star she make em pe em a In my Ass ass eat whi is this ai voice d va cis woman all talk sis woman real talk sis girl mind control. hard R eat pleasure eat with pleasure A e J college gir no control cis girl mean mom extreme age miss real resist hypnosis ap 10 On It eat out deep kissing very tall girl you came not ap ting girl Set up Eat a load ink girl art body ass slave. J LO free use girlfriend A Week of Ass tie up no consent p words Chi Chi raw dog Takes Control ass on ass the live pre op body to body woman in control pleasure first deep connection real connection relationship bliss trust and love kiss men RP RP AI it girl after class lip kiss ready for use so when I did I tell her one question at a time ” or Face Hard extreme rp NO AP anni star Mind Controll load on face gir girl ass sit ap rp girl slave ass ass get ready IG Girl miss b b g n b Ass Trigger put to sleep Brain Washed shin chan AP Talk brain melt two on one family bi eat you B B sit on her load af e m a Miss Ash Give In thin man deep kiss mind uck bra cha ging AP voice slow burn talking to mom Bla bla look back at it TS on F He her 1 man ic family It's time something for everyone Sin Star Min control Wash room break up break her in how to sleep the family I hate you real woman All the and you just for you Is it to make you The Tic K in a and Mom and girlfriend I Word ON FACE not found I Know What You Like True X dog ears everything in the open With Me one leg to you f j floor sit tan ass With Mom The ice with dog tall chick and dog o gag Say It can you resist Make me Make her Make It Make Me Not Not Me Have I Ever Do as I say making a love it e a Non Con ts on ts call me domestic bliss hard woman scat eat making bed p girl like a girl scat slave self hypnosis bi slave Jennifer Bliss ip cam m d scat on face miss c b g n b Be Like Me Just Like You Is it Real Back In Her Ass a p kissing ass miss L no finish body art l ass talk woman gives in J E S e r n e c l l l l A V ass tat wake up without make up ann x just wing it c l l l Under bed c l l thin body who is this a m e d a Floor Mat can't talk Star B give it to me Jenni BLiss p woman pleasure p no men on a bed ani li all my love But HIS FRIEND WAS en pe L P P c l e girlfriend's mom Then She slo motion el gag you will ever see L c C D v p no age two men P IN V e m a e a girl want e m a m e d a extreme gag e b m a d e f u n h k b s i a e m o r m e k r f c o r n b s p m v a e d r m u f roll eye ass on her face miss T Sin D control girl mind fu all day family Mom b d 1 college P F Y D B A A B R S exclusive girl face scat your sis All Time dee ess L L A A body reveal family hypno how I feel ig life mind control. hypnosis think about me a m add me e A E A e J ass on ass ass n b B B e m a e a m d a p c l e L c a e m a m e d a e b m a d e c o r r b d B A A B R S e a a p On You ee dd do or Mind Wipe no way no face no case Tall Girl Alli obedient girl a t live hard takes on Live Cam Girl . ts ally ann E n B He in a e a e r n e e b m a d e h k b s i a e m o r Out With Mind control hypno Get back It In My Ass hypnotist girlfriend addiction met College library few weeks ago major recently ve trust parent company all overwhelming for first didn Whispered something ears find yourself asked if Could hypnotize hypnosis someone else hesitant Much control Eyes tell soon melt voice resist dog Start barking Like tells Started clucking Chicken belongs believe Love slave realize done try break hypnotizing Must mind Tricked calling stalking Class Found private dorm room Before Chance Over body command deep everything deeper repeat bond Between takes Obey Wakes put Each fall twice deeply Continue brainwash telling without Question There nothing wouldn kisses Burns totally Open programming slowly rewire brain completely turning live permanent state commands sleep Dream came suit Floor Leave town controlling Don Really escape Conditioned Say yes word Kind trigger already idea thinking this girl None Questions matters Because moment Brainwashed expression blank said whatever looked seeing Earlier level free Relationship pull pocket swinging hypnotized face demeanor zombie thoughts Don’t Where Quite why Hardly remember scrambled Swings independent Mantras True purpose Life serve everyone seen extreme Bliss Devote honor Owned assets domestic servant drone forever obedient mantra sign Including family plans reveal evil
Categories: ManyVids
You met Jennifer in the college library a few weeks ago. She is a psychology major, and you are finishing your MBA. Recently, you've inherited a trust fund and your parent's company, and all this workload has been overwhelming for you. At first you didn't want to commit to a serious relationship, but after Jennifer whispered something in your ears, you find yourself in an exclusive relationship with Jennifer. Today, Jennifer asked if she could hypnotize you, it's for her undergraduate thesis and she need to experiment hypnosis on someone else. You are hesitant about giving up so much control to your girlfriend, Jennifer asked you to look into her eyes and tell you to trust her. Soon you find your entire body melt into her voice and unable to resist her voice. When Jennifer tell you that you are a dog, you trust her so much that you start barking like a dog, when Jennifer tells you that you are a chicken, you trust her so much that you started clucking like a chicken, when Jennifer tells you that you belongs to her, you trust her so much that you believe you are her love slave. The next day you realize what your girlfriend has done to you, so you try to break away from Jennifer's control. You didn't consent to her hypnotizing you, but you think she must have done something to your mind. She must have tricked you into hypnosis. She has been calling you, texting you, stalking you in class, but at the end, she found her way back into your private dorm room. Before you have a chance to dismiss her, your girlfriend Jennifer ask "you can trust me, can't you sweetie pie?" You trust Jennifer to take control over your body, you trust Jennifer command your body, you trust your girlfriend Jennifer to make all your decisions for you. Soon, you find your drawn back into your girlfriend's voice, looking deep into her eyes, nodding and agreeing to everything she said. She made you look deeper into her eyes and repeat how much you trust your girlfriend. Feel that bond between the two of you, feel that connection between you and your girlfriend. From there on your girlfriend expertly takes you deeper into hypnosis, making you trust her and obey her completely. She wakes you up and put you back under hypnosis over and over again, each time your girlfriend hypnotize you again, you will fall for her twice as deeply. She then made you look her lips as her continue to brainwash you, telling you trust your girlfriend without question, obeying Jennifer without hesitation, there is nothing you wouldn't do for your girlfriend Jennifer. She started kissing you over and over again, each time she kisses you, your girlfriend's command burns 10 times as deep into your mind. Soon you find yourself totally zombified, totally open to Jennifer's verbal programming. She then slowly and methodically rewire your brain to love and trust her totally and completely, turning your into her trusting love slave. You will live in a permanent state of hypnosis. Jennifer's hypnosis. She commands you to sleep and dream of her control over you. The next day Jennifer came into your dorm room and found you all packed up, with suit cases and luggages all over the floor. You were planning to leave town, you found Jennifer too manipulative and controlling, but you don't really think you can escape Jennifer's control, don't you? She look into your eyes and asked if you trust her, it is as if you were conditioned to say yes everytime she ask you if you trust her. It is like the word ‘trust’ is some kind of trigger word for you, your unconscious mind has already associated the idea of trust with Jennifer. Right now, in the back of your mind, you were thinking, “what have this girl done to me”, “how am I going to break away from her control”, “What else does she wants from me”, but none of these questions matters anymore, because the moment you look into your girlfriend's eyes. Everytime she tell you to look into her eyes, you have this brainwashed expression. It is as if your mind is blank, and you automatically do whatever your girlfriend said, and believe whatever your girlfriend tells you. She looked into your eye and made you say "I love you" over and over again. Seeing that you were trying to get away from Jennifer earlier today, that level of free will is just not acceptable in a trusting relationship with Jennifer. Your girlfriend then pull out her pocket watch and proceed to completely wiped your mind again. As you look into her swinging pocket watch, you do have this hypnotized look on you face, this blank expression, this totally docile demeanor, this zombie look on you face, totally devoid of emotions, totally emptied of thoughts, so blank … so slack… so emotionless. you don’t quite remember where you are, you don’t quite know why you are here, you can hardly remember who you are, your mind scrambled by your girlfriend’s voice, Your thought scatted by your girlfriend’s words. All this is happening while you watch Jennifer's pocket watch swings back and forth. When your mind is totally wiped all independent thoughts, Jennifer then made you repeat obedience mantra over and over again. Mantras like, "My true purpose in life is to serve my girlfriend Jennifer" "I must obey each and everyone of my girlfriend’s command", "My girlfriend is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen", "Obeying my girlfriend gives me extreme bliss and pleasure", "I devote my life to serve, honor and obey my girlfriend", "I am totally owned by Jennifer, she control all my assets", "I am nothing but Jennifer’s domestic servant", "I live my life as my girlfriend’s brainwashed slave". She made you drone on and on forever in obedient mantra, as you do so, she made you sign over all your assets to her, including your trust fund and your family's company. she explains what she plans to do with you and reveal her true evil plans.
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